Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate in the poster competition at the Annual Conference. Awards will be given in each division. Entries are limited to students who are first author on the poster (though faculty may co-author). Students interested in entering the Student Poster Competition must indicate so by noting on their abstract submission or informing the registration table upon check-in at the conference.
Procedures and Guidelines:
Awards will be announced and distributed during the MCJA business meeting at the annual conference and students participating in the competition must be present at that meeting to receive an award. The best poster from each of two divisions (graduate and undergraduate) will receive $75.00. Evaluations will be based on the rubric found here.
To learn more about the Undergraduate and Graduate Poster Competition, please contact Breanne Pleggenkuhle.
Procedures and Guidelines:
- Students may compete in both the paper and poster competition.
- Awards given for both an undergraduate and graduate division.
- Students may co-author the research with a faculty member, but students are required to be first author.
- Entries for this competition are limited to a single submission per participant.
- Oral presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes.
Awards will be announced and distributed during the MCJA business meeting at the annual conference and students participating in the competition must be present at that meeting to receive an award. The best poster from each of two divisions (graduate and undergraduate) will receive $75.00. Evaluations will be based on the rubric found here.
To learn more about the Undergraduate and Graduate Poster Competition, please contact Breanne Pleggenkuhle.
2023 Student Poster Award Winners
GraduateApplying Social Learning Theory to Understand Racial Extremist Ideologies: A Comparison of U.S. Youth and Adults
Sara Lucak with Jennifer Peck and Kristina Childs, University of Central Florida |
UndergraduateFrom Street to Suit: The Effects of Adolescent Gang Involvement on Adult Employment Throughout Life Course Theory
Sonyah Ngwafang, University of Maryland Maizie Hill, Curry College Isabelle Gochtovtt, American University Maria Holmes, Gonzaga University Lawrence Pear, Lafayette University Beth Bjerregaard, University of North Carolina, Charlotte |
Poster Gallery
-2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 |
GraduateOPD-UNO Collaboration for the Prevention and Intervention of Human Trafficking Against Children in Omaha
Micheala Goldsmith, Teresa Kulig, Tara Richards University of Nebraska at Omaha Examining Fatal and Non-Fatal Gun Violence in Kansas City
Alejandro Cervantes and Kenneth Novak University of Missouri - Kansas City Are We Protecting Our Transgender Inmates? A Policy Analysis of States with the Least and Most Protections for Transgender Inmates, 2017 - 2021
Rachel Rearden Southern Illinois University Carbondale Police Perceptions of Responsibility to Engage in
Pre- and Post-Overdose Interventions Laurie Becker Roger Williams University Discussing the Relationship Between Crime and Craft Beer in Chicago, IL
Tylar William Kist University of Toledo |
UndergraduateExamining the Effectiveness of Program Policies: A Policy Analysis of ODRC
Morgan Perkins, Emma Lau, Zachary Lewis Bowling Green State University Pressure Pushing Down on Me: Finding and Internship Placement
Kayla Hauser, Hannah Snoke, Kevin Spade, Kaitlin McClintik, Catherine Paper, Melissa Burek Bowling Green State University Required Internships for Criminal Justice Degree Attainment: Now I'm Stressed Out Karlee Augustus, Madeline Loso, Jonathan Ralston, Joshua Lawless, Catherine Paper, Melissa Burek Bowling Green State University Bench vs. Jury Trials: Sentencing and Conviction Outcomes for Criminally Charged Police Officers (2006-2016)
Bethany Sager, Chloe Wentzlof, and Philip Stinson Bowling Green State University Does Location Matter? Domestic Violence from a Geographical Perspective
Shalane Scott and Julie Hibdon Southern Illinois University Carbondale |